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Image by Nick Bolton

Adult mental health, vulnerabilities and complex needs

Research into the experiences, preferences and outcomes of adults experiencing homelessness, drug-use, sex-work and suicidal ideation.

Close collaboration with charities (Second Step, Bristol Drugs Project, and One25) providing support to adults with complex needs.


Image by engin akyurt

Living under coronavirus and injecting drugs (LUCID-B)

This study examined how the pandemic, public health measures and changes to services were experienced by people who inject drugs. Findings will be used to help service providers adapt what they are doing to support people who inject drugs, as well as inform policy for future pandemics. Elizabeth Blackwell Institute funded, and led by Dr Lindsey Hines (PI).

Project reports 

Public Health England Report

Image by Riccardo Pallaoro

Partnership supporting drug dependent street sex workers (DUSSK)

Examining the experiences, acceptability and cost of a combined specialist post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and drug treatment intervention for female sex workers. Research led by Dr Nicola Jeal (PI).

Study video

Full paper

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Psychosocial support for people in acute distress due to financial difficulties

Determining the feasibility, acceptability and costs associated with the “HOPE” service for people presenting to hospital emergency departments following self-harm or in acute distress because of financial, employment, or welfare (benefit) difficulties. National Institute for Health Research funded, and led by Prof David Gunnell (PI).

Full paper

Image by Mikey Harris

Knowledge exchange project with homeless housing service (Second Step)

Secondment to a third sector organisation providing a High Support Accommodation 

service to homeless adults with complex needs. While on secondment I undertook a qualitative assessment into the workforce skills needed to support service users with complex needs. Economic and Social Research Council funded (Impact Acceleration Account).

Service details

Further details

Image by William Warby

Review into measures of self-reported wellbeing

Systematic identification of 99 questionnaire measures used to assess the well-being of adults in the general population. Each measure is examined in terms of when it was developed and the dimensions of wellbeing assessed.

Full paper

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©2022 by Myles-Jay Linton.

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